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Sunday Tao Blessings |Weekly Gifts & Blessings  | Water Blessings
Chanting Love Peace Harmony  | Book & Audio CD Downloads

Sunday Tao Blessings

Sundays, 2 pm Eastern Time (Use the time converter to find your local start time)
Sunday Tao Blessings teleconference is a bit like “office hours” for the soul with Master Sha and certified Master Teachers. Each session includes the weekly Gifts of blessings and Soul Water blessings for registered participants. Conducted by Master Sha and his Certified Master Teachers, Sunday Tao Blessings often include meditations, spontaneous teachings or gifts for all attendees as well as transmissions of light for various requests. If you can, arrange to experience the teleconference in a quiet and relaxed setting, preferably lying down. Towards the end of each session you may hear “Transmission!” this is the time when the highest blessings are offered to all those who have registered for services. 
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Weekly Gifts & Blessings – Transmission!

Sundays, 2 pm Eastern Time (Use the time converter to find your local start time)
Transmissions of Light and blessings for one organ / aspect of life are offered by Master Sha weekly during Sunday Tao Blessings. The four blessings are offered each week, on a monthly rotation basis:

Level 1 Kidneys

April, August & December Register

Level 1 Lower Dan Tian

January, May & September Register

Level 1 Snow Mountain Area

February, June & October Register

Level 1 Pure Love

March, July & November Register

Level 1 Kidneys

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys, the key for long life, play a major role in boosting vitality, immunity and energy. The kidneys play an important role in developing the abilities of the brain and clarity of the mind.
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Level 1 Lower Dan Tian

The Lower Dan Tian is the foundational energy center for physical health and well-being. According to many spiritual traditions, developing this key energy center can help in maintaining vitality and immunity, which are fundamental for developing the physical stamina necessary for any form of spiritual development.
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Level 1 Snow Mountain Area

According to many spiritual traditions, the Snow Mountain Area is another key foundational energy center for the physical body to help in maintaining good health and well-being. This energy storehouse feeds the kidneys, the brain and the third eye. It is the source of prenatal energy and the starting point of four major meridians. It is also fundamental to developing the physical stamina necessary for any form of spiritual development.
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Level 1 Pure Love

Many spiritual traditions teach that love melts blockages to living your ideal life. This blessing helps you to stay happy and healthy.
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Water Blessings – Transmission!

Sundays, 2 pm Eastern Time (Use the time converter to find your local start time)
Master Sha offers a free weekly Water Blessing for the bottled water of participants during Sunday Tao Blessings. Simply register and label bottles of water for each of your requests. At the end of the Sunday Tao Blessings session you will hear Transmission! This is when your water bottles are also blessed for the requests.  Water crystal research jointly conducted by Master Sha and Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water, explains the concept behind blessing water.
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Book Downloads

Below are links to audio and video files included in Master Sha’s books.

Divine Soul Mind Body Healing and Transmission System 8.6MB Click Here
Divine Soul Songs – 6 Soul Power Series Divine Downloads Click Here
Divine Soul Songs – Love Peace and Harmony Click Here
Divine Soul Songs Book – Soul Song of Yin and Yang Watch Video
Divine Transformation 30MB Click Here
Soul Wisdom 13MB Click Here
Tao I 108MB Click Here
Tao II 42.8MB Click Here
The Power of Soul 18MB Click Here
“Master Sha offers us the practical steps to self-healing and shows us how to literally take our health into our own hands.”