Soul Practices

Your soul has the power to nourish and bless itself.

Try this simple practice for using the Four Power Techniques® to connect with your soul.

  • Body Power uses special hand positions for focusing energy.
  • Soul Power is used to request the soul to bless itself.
  • Mind Power uses creative visualization, focus and concentration of the mind.
  • Sound Power uses chanting to repeat mantras for well-being.

Master Sha teaches the Say Hello® formula to connect with Soul Power for maintaining a healthy and happy life.

Say Hello Formula

Dear soul mind body of _________ (name one aspect of your life),
I love you.
You have the power to bless yourself.
Do a good job!
Thank you.

Dear Divine and Tao,
I love you.
Please forgive my ancestors and me for all the mistakes we have made in all our lifetimes. We deeply apologize. Thank you.

Now sing the Soul Song Love, Peace and Harmony as service to humanity and all souls:

Lu La-a Lu La Li
Lu La-a Lu La La Li
Lu La-a Lu La-a Li Lu La
Lu La-a Li Lu La
Lu La-a Li Lu La

I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace and harmony
Love, peace and harmony

When you practice, click on the player below to listen to Master Sha’s Soul Song Love, Peace and Harmony.

Listen to this Divine Soul Song

Master Sha Teaches Four Power Techniques in Kauai

Soul Mind Body Science System book

“Master Sha is divinely blessed and guided to heal the world and everything that is in it. From the smallest situation to the largest, he has the faithful gift of power to make things right.”